Almost two thirds of our body is made up of water and the health of our cells depends on. We need about 2 litres of water everyday. Water flushes toxins out from organs.
Not everyone loves water. We can make water fun just by adding a few slices of fruits or vegetables. They improve the taste of water and heightens minerals and vitamins that our bodies can easily absorb.
Infused waters are good for detoxification energy and hydration. Put as much fruits in the water and let the water sit for at least 30 minutes before drinking.
Green Tea, Mint and Lime
For fat burning, headaches, digestion and as a breath freshener.
Lemon, Lime and Orange
For cardiovascular health, blood sugar regulation and immune system protection.
Strawberry and Kiwi
For cardiovascular health, blood sugar regulation and immune system protection.
Cucumber, Lime and Lemon
For weight management, bloating and appetite control.
Orange, Lemon and Ginger
For blood circulation and immune system booster.
Cucumber, Raspberry and Grape
For flushing out of toxins.
Pineapple and Mint
For relieve of joint pain and arthritis.
Pineapple and Orange
Helps in digestion and acts as anti-inflammatory.
Orange, Strawberry and Mint
For lowering of cholesterol, promotes eye health and better skin conditions.
Lemon, Blueberries and Mint
To boost energy levels, weight management and fights bloating.
Ginger and Orange
Helps to boost metabolism and helps to lose weight.
Mango and Ginger
Acts as a reliever to migraines and menstrual cramps. Reduces morning sickness and heart burn. Helps to boost memory too!
Apple and Cinnamon
Helps in metabolism.
Watermelon and Rosemary
Helps to cure hangover, boost metabolism and hydrate your body.
Mango and Basil
Aids in digestion and has anti-inflammatory and antibiotic properties.
Cucumber, Raspberry and Grape
For hydrating and flushing toxins out of system.
Rhubarb, Apple and Cinnamon
Has vitamin K to help with blood clotting, boost metabolism and maintain bone and tissue health.
Strawberry and Lime
Has anti-oxidants and anti-ageing properties.