How To Overcome Your Fear To Visit A Dentist?

How many times have you canceled your appointments with the dentist? Are you scared to sit on the cleaning chair? Do you get scared by just thinking about a dentist performing a surgery? No need to panic as you are not alone. There are thousands of people around you who think exactly like you. It … Read more

Flexoplex Review: How Safe Is This Joint Pain Relief Supplement?

Flexoplex Review How Safe Is This Joint Pain Relief Supplement

Different forms of arthritis, as well as injuries, are two relatively common causes of arthritis joint pain, leading to disability and a lower quality-of-life. While joint pain can often be relieved with the use of over-the-counter drugs, such as naproxen and ibuprofen, many people are not too keen on using these drugs due to the … Read more

Best Outdoor Exercises for Moms!

Best Outdoor Exercises for Moms!

Hey mamas, I have a question for you: When was the last time you worked out? Now DON’T RUN AWAY, and don’t feel guilty. I know you probably didn’t even have time to sit down and think about when was your last time….but there are ways to get those exercises in even for the busiest … Read more

The Best Essential Oils for Weightloss & How to Use Them

losing weight with essential oils

​We are officially underway in the New Year and I’m sure we are all struggling to keep those New Year’s Resolutions. Every January we all make commitments to do better, to be better. Whether that is exercising, drinking less, working harder, making ‘you time,’ or just eating cleaner. Whatever it is, we all have to … Read more

Pumpkin Pancakes: Perfect Breakfast Remedy for Picky Eaters

My kids are picky eaters. I have no idea how this happened, as I did everything according “to the books”: Rapley, monkey platters, involving them in harvesting, shopping and cooking. But they still turn up their nose for most veggies, and anything that looks too fancy. Aside from accepting how they eat, and focusing on … Read more

Green Beauty as a Consumer’s Revolution

Why is organic makeup better for the environment? Read on Nowadays, organic beauty products are all the rage and (almost) everyone is hopping on board. Why? At least that one’s easy to answer – over the past few years, we seem to have gained a consciousness alerting us to love ourselves more, care for ourselves … Read more

Essential Oil Remedies

Essential oils have been used for thousands of years in cultures all around the world. The particles in these oils come from extracting different parts of plants, which can include the leaves, bark, roots, and flowers. These oils can be used for aromatherapy, personal beauty care, natural medicine treatments, and household cleaning products. Using essential … Read more

A friendly reminder

Hi there! We revamped Every Home Remedy, and are still working on it to help you find what you need more easily. If you experience any issues, please bear with us. You can even send a message about the hiccup, that would be awesome! Thank you very much!